ママギタァ待望の新作からの「Eat You Up / Bunny」のMUSIC VIDEO、遂に完成&公開!!!

It seems Music Video “Eat You Up / Bunny”, taken from MAMAGUITAR 3rd album – arriving nearly ten years since their last album- is completed.
It seems this time the video is directed by Sakamoto own self, too.

2012.2.7 | zelone records


It Seems Sakamoto’s  self made Music Video “You Just Decided” is nominated by “SPACE SHOWER MUSIC VIDEO AWARDS”.

Please check this HP. http://mva.jp

2012.2.1 | zelone records


It seems Mama Guitar’s new album “MAMAGUITAR SINGS MAMAGUITAR” and Sakamoto Shintaro’s long-awaited “How to Live With a Phantom” (on double LP with instrumental versions of each song) are being released on vinyl!
And now we can share the artwork for Mama Guitar’s new album!
It appears that both will be available at record shops nationwide sometime in late February to mid-March.
Information: Jet Set Tokyo: TEL:+81-3-5452-2262
zel-005 / ¥2,100(tax included) LP – 3/02 (fri) on sale !
zel-004 / ¥1,890(tax included) CD – 2/24 (fri) on salehttp://bridge.shop-pro.jp/

Shintaro Sakamoto – How To Live With A Phantom
zel-003 / ¥2,800(tax included) 2LP  – march 30 (fri), 2012 on sale !

2012.1.6 | zelone records

zelone records第二弾リリース決定!!

Formed in the late 90s,  girls’ band Mama Guitar took the world by storm with their perfect early 60s sensibilities and cute chorus work. With overseas releases and tours in countries such as Korea, Germany and more, the group earned fans not only in Japan, but all around the world. After playing their last concert in 2006, the group receded from the scene and was quiet for some time. But after nearly a year of recording, they have completed their 3rd album – “MAMA GUITAR SINGS MAMA GUITAR” – their first album in nearly ten years!
And it seems the album features guest musician Shintaro Sakamoto!
For 13 songs, 34 minutes and 30 seconds, please enjoy the new world of MAMA GUITAR.It seems it will be available in store Friday, February 24th!!!

2012/02/24 (Fri) on sale!


2011.12.20 | zelone records

iTunes Storeにて配信スタート&7inch 再プレス完成!

1st solo album “How To Live With Phantom” will be available for downloads from iTunes Music Store
(JP, US, EU/UK, AU/NZ), December 14 (wed) 00:00.
And it semms re-press of 7-inch vinyl “In A Phantom Mood” is ready.
It seems this 7-inch will be available all over the country via  Jet Set Distribution in December 21

2011.12.13 | zelone records

「君はそう決めた」Music Video

It seems Music Video “You Just Decided” taken from Sakamoto’s 1st solo album is completed.
It semms this video is made by himself

2011.11.16 | zelone records


ele-king Vol.3 シンセ・ポップシティライツ 1 モーニングkcビッグコミックスペリオール音楽と人 2011年12月号坂本慎太郎 - NO MUSIC NO LIFE. - TOWER RECORDS ONLINEMUSICA 2011年12月号Music Magazine 2011年12月号CDジャーナル 2011年12月号136 Shintaro Sakamoto NO MUSIC, NO LIFE. T-shirt (グリーン電力証書付) XSサイズ rockin'on 2012年01月号 MARQUEE Vol.88 Guitar Magazine (ギター・マガジン)2012年 01月号 Sound  &  Recording Magazine (サウンド アンド レコーディング マガジン)2012年 01月号 Music Magazine 2012年 1月号 Ele-king Vol.4 Dommune Books TV Bros.関東版 2012年1月21日号 【特典:『劇場版 ベルセルク』ブロマイド付き】 2012年2月号 Indies Issue Vol.60 (2012winter))


2011.10.2 | zelone records


1,971 people downloaded the digital version of the “In A Phantom Mood” single.
After paypal fees, zelone records’ net profit was 235, 883 yen.
We have donated all of these proceeds to the Fukushima Prefecture Disaster Prevention Department.
A warm thanks to all who downloaded the song.

2011.9.29 | zelone records


It seems “In a Phantom Mood” will be closed for download from this web site September 25 (Sunday).
Thanks to everyone who downloaded this song!!!

2011.9.24 | zelone records


It seems Sakamoto”s 1st solo album contains 10 songs.

It seems the first edition of the “How To Live With A Phantom” album will be a W-Pac CD with a bonus instrumental disc!!

“How To Live With A Phantom” / Shintaro Sakamoto

  1. In A Phantom Mood (Album Version)
  2. You Just Decided
  3. My Memories Fade
  4. Mask On Mask
  5. A Stick And Slacks
  6. A Gleam Of Hope
  7. Dancing With Pain
  8. Something’s Different (Album Version)
  9. How To Live With A Phantom
  10. Small But Enough

with BONUS CD (First Edition Only) – Instrumental Version CD of This Album

2011.9.20 | zelone records
1 24 25 26 27